An Extract From ' Girl from the Kip' a Victorian romance by Susan Williams, only 99p on Amazon Kindle eBooks

‘Are you still walking out with Pearl?’
Edwin smiled, then walked over to Mollie.
‘Are you jealous?’
‘Don’t flatter yourself,’ Mollie said, as she
stood up.
‘I am not walking out with Pearl, does that
please you?’
‘Yes. Do you want to walk out with me?’
‘That’s a bit forward of you?’
Shaking a little, because she wasn’t normally
this wanton, she said, ‘You know me well enough to know that I don’t beat about
the bush. This is your one and only chance. Answer me directly before I change
my mind.’
‘Suddenly, I feel as if I’m being bamboozled.’
‘Don’t spout big words at me, what does that
Edwin smiled and put his arms around her waist
and pulled her to him, and she let him. Then gently, he lifted her chin and
kissed her on the lips.
‘Blinking heck, call that a kiss? Here,’ she
said, pulling his groin into her body and kissing him hard on the lips.’
Edwin took the bait and kissed her back and soon,
he was excited. Then, she pulled away from him and said, ‘Now, if you want
more, you have to make up your mind. Do you want to walk out with me or not?’
Not wanting her to see how excited he was, he
held his groin, then sat behind his desk and said, ‘Are you a virgin?’
‘Are you?’
‘I don’t suppose it matters, but I’d prefer it if
you hadn’t had many partners.’
‘And I’d like it if I had a lot of money, but we
can’t have everything we want, can we?’
‘I get your point. However, you are a fine-
looking woman and must have had a string of admirers. But you are a virgin are
you not?’
‘Yes, I’m a virgin, if that’s what you want to
‘Minx. Alright, I give in, seeing that this is my
only chance, yes, I would like to walk out with you Mollie, very much.'
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