As promised, an extract from 'Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era.' by Susan Williams, free on kindle eBooks until Tuesday 25th June.
An extract from the second story in the book.
‘Sit down Ann and
tell me what ails you. What on earth possessed you to make a fool of yourself
like that?’
Ann took a sip of
the wine he’d given her before saying, ‘You love Grace, don’t you?’
‘What sort of
question is that? I’m very fond of Grace, but you know as well as I, that
nothing can come of it.’
‘Do I?’
‘Ann, what’s the
matter? Tell me.’
‘Do you love her,
yes or no!’
‘Yes, I think I
‘I can’t bear to
see you two together and if she was to kiss you, I don’t know what I’d do.’
Luther sighed.
Then the full realisation of what she was saying hit him, and he stood up and
said, ‘You love her, don’t you? How long have you known?’
‘Yes, I love
her,’ she said vehemently, as she stood up and walked to the window. ‘But don’t
you dare tell her. My life would be over if she knew.’
‘But why do you
treat her so badly?’
‘I don’t mean
too, it’s just that I get so jealous. Oh Luther!'
I can’t be sure,
but I don’t think she likes you in that way Ann. But if she did, I fear you
have alienated her forever with your inexcusable behaviour.’