Sunday, 30 June 2019

Getting there

Hubby has now completed one of the viking ships for my front cover. 



Half price Summer Sale starts on Monday 1st July for one month, on the 'SMASHWORDS' SITE

Taking a Chance by Susan Williams

A medieval romance set during the 'Plague' and 'The Great Fire of London.' A tale of debauchery, hardship and love, as Mary battles her way out of the quagmire that is London. 

Was £2.36
Now  £1.18

Girl from the Kip by Susan Williams

A Victorian romance, exploring the life of a feisty young woman who cannot hold her tongue. When she marries Edwin Hill, she has to battle prejudice and snobbery, as she tries to find her place in society

Was £2.36
Now £1.18

Saturday, 29 June 2019

What's Happening?

My poetry club were on top form, and their performance of the ' Witches' song' from Macbeth went down well. Bless them. They are aged between eight and nine.

As it is the summer and I'm feeling great, I'm using lighter colours in my blog.

Well, I'm still working on my viking eBook but it's slow going. The story line is a bit dark, and I'm not in the mood for that kind of work.

So, having written a Western, a few years back, I have been proofreading it, and will be putting it online in August, maybe. Seriously, not used to having hot weather, it is making want to get out in the sunshine, which is hindering my writing. 

However, we only have a few months of sunshine, so I feel it is important to make the most of it.

I also have a novel that is raunchier than I normally write, so I'm wondering what to do with that. It started off alright, but my characters evolved and led me in a different direction, so who knows, you may see it, or you may not. 

Wednesday, 26 June 2019


Time to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Looking to take down a few of my eBooks to make way for some new work. 

However, fair warning will be given, in case you would like to get them, and it won't be until Sept/October.

How is my viking eBook coming?

It's the end of term soon, and that means I'm busy, busy, busy. Plus the guys in my poetry club are doing their rendition of the witches' song from 'Macbeth' and we are rehearsing.

They are performing it tomorrow, so fingers crossed for them - dress rehearsal today.
So, my eBook is not progressing as it should. 

There's that thing called LIFE getting in the way again. 

But I wouldn't have it any other way, or would I?

A Selection of Eclectic Short Stories
  Only 99p on kindle eBooks, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Kobo and Apple books.

‘A Clean Break.’ 
When Sarah’s marriage hits the rocks, she finds solace in drinking coffee and eating fancy cakes; and when things get tough, albeit loosely, her coffee habit is instrumental in saving the day.

‘A Woman of a Certain Age.’
A reflective piece probably based on my experiences.

‘They’re Here.
Is the study of a new oceanic species.

‘Unconditional Love.’
Is the heartfelt story of a man’s search for his birth mother.

‘Beating the Bully.’
A story of love, fortitude and fate.

‘The Man in the Black Audi.’ 
A chance meeting that leads to romance.

Out now, a selection of short stories by Susan Williams, available on Kindle eBooks, Smashwords, Apple books, Kobo and Barnes and Noble. Only 99p  

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

An Extract from ' Taking a Chance' by Susan Williams.
Only £2.25 on Kindle eBooks, Smashwords, Apple Books and Barnes and Noble

Through swollen eyes, Mary watched him stagger down the alley and she waited until he was out of sight before she got up, then she dragged her frail body to the river and scrubbed herself for an hour. But no amount of water could wash away the pain and humiliation she felt inside, nor could it take away the fear that one day, she would catch some dreadful disease from him.

' Taking a Chance' by Susan Williams, a novel set in Medieval England. (eBooks)

A Blast From the Past.

Only £2.25 on Kindle eBooks, Smashwords, Apple Books and Barnes and Noble.

Extract to follow

Monday, 24 June 2019


Today is the last free day for ' Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era'  by Susan Williams, on Kindle eBooks.


As promised, an extract from 'Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era.' by Susan Williams, free on kindle eBooks until Tuesday 25th June.

An extract from the second story in the book.

‘Sit down Ann and tell me what ails you. What on earth possessed you to make a fool of yourself like that?’
Ann took a sip of the wine he’d given her before saying, ‘You love Grace, don’t you?’
‘What sort of question is that? I’m very fond of Grace, but you know as well as I, that nothing can come of it.’
‘Do I?’
‘Ann, what’s the matter? Tell me.’
‘Do you love her, yes or no!’
‘Yes, I think I do.’
‘I can’t bear to see you two together and if she was to kiss you, I don’t know what I’d do.’
Luther sighed. Then the full realisation of what she was saying hit him, and he stood up and said, ‘You love her, don’t you? How long have you known?’
‘Yes, I love her,’ she said vehemently, as she stood up and walked to the window. ‘But don’t you dare tell her. My life would be over if she knew.’
‘But why do you treat her so badly?’
‘I don’t mean too, it’s just that I get so jealous. Oh Luther!'
I can’t be sure, but I don’t think she likes you in that way Ann. But if she did, I fear you have alienated her forever with your inexcusable behaviour.’ 

Thank you Stephen Williams, the cover for my novel is coming along nicely. A lot quicker than the book. 


Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era

Coming up, an extract from one of the short stories.

Sunday, 23 June 2019



A Selection of Eclectic Short Stories

Available now, 'A Selection of Eclectic Short Stories' by Susan Williams, only 99p on Kindle eBooks and Smashwords. 

Grab yourself a coffee or something bubbly and enjoy my selection of short stories. Some are funny, some are heartwarming and some have a twist in the tale. Just right for reading in the garden, on a sunny afternoon. 
Enjoy it now while you can!


Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era

Available FREE on Amazon Kindle eBooks for the next three days. 

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era by [Williams, Susan]
Free Free Free Free 
Available on Amazon Kindle eBooks for FREE from Sunday 23 June until Tuesday 25 June
If you enjoy these short stories any reviews would be great.  



Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era by [Williams, Susan]'Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era' two short stories by Susan Williams, will be available for free on Amazon Kindle eBooks from tomorrow for three days.

Friday, 21 June 2019

My cover for one of my eBooks is coming along nicely.

Many thanks to the artist Stephen Williams


Thursday, 20 June 2019


Just in case you missed it the first time around, my Medieval short story romance, is free until Friday. A great coffee time read.

Available on amazon kindle eBooks.

The cover painted by my wonderful hubby, Stephen Williams.

Get it while you still can, available Free on kindle eBooks

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

What's Next?

I have several stories that need proofreading, but I've started writing a romance set in the Viking and Anglo Saxon era, and I'm going to concentrate on getting that out by the middle of August; it will be my Summer project, while I am on holiday from school. 

At least I think it's a romance. At least for now, because my heroine isn't having such a great time, in fact, I would go as far as to say, that her life is  miserable. 

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to her, for I write as I go, so I am surprised by the ending. lol

Obviously, I have an idea of where I want to go, but I like to go with the flow, which is why my heroine and hero do not always end up together. I hope my Anglo Saxon heroine will end up with someone.

My husband has started painting my cover and I'm excited. 
Updates to follow... sometime.


' The Girl from the Kip' a Victorian romance, and ' Taking a Chance' a Medieval romance, by Susan Williams is available for half price on kindle eBooks until Saturday 22nd June.

Was £2.25

Now  99p

Monday, 17 June 2019

Image result for tales of romance in a virtuous era susan williams  

FREE eBook. Available FREE on 'Smashwords'


Sunday, 16 June 2019


Special offer
I am pleased to announce that:

'The Girl From the Kip' and 'Taking a Chance' by Susan Williams, my historical novels, are half price now until Saturday 22nd June.

ONLY  99p

Taking a Chance  ( Front cover designed by Dorset Artist Stephen Williams)
Girl From The Kip

From Monday 17th until Saturday 22nd June,
'The Girl from the Kip' and ' Taking a Chance,' by Susan Williams, will be half price. 

 Only 99p

Book covers painted by Dorset artist, Stephen Williams

Girl From The Kip  Taking a Chance  ( Front cover designed by Dorset Artist Stephen Williams)

Thursday, 13 June 2019


The Perfect Gift
Free on Kindle eBooks until 11.59 tonight.

Friday, 7 June 2019

Girl from the Kip' by Susan Williams, available on Amazon Kindle eBooks and in other formats on Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble and Apple books.

Only £2.25

Girl From The Kip

Thursday, 6 June 2019

As Requested, here is a  list of my ebooks 

'Taking a Chance' by Susan Williams £2.25
Historical romance set in Medieval England.

'Girl from the Kip' by Susan Williams £2.25
Historical romance set in  Victorian England.

'Tales of Romance in a Virtuous Era by Susan Williams 99p  Two short stories set in Victorian England.

'The Diary of Beth Moor' by Susan Williams £1.00  A short story set in medieval England written in diary form.

'The Perfect Gift' by Susan Williams £2.25
A contemporary romance.

All available on Kindle eBooks and in other formats on Barnes and Nobel, Kobo, Apple Books and smashwords.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

As promised, an extract from ' Girl from the Kip;

Mollie filled her dry mouth with saliva and walked over to the man and said humbly, ‘May I have a word sir?’
The man looked at her and recognising her straight away, and feeling a little embarrassed, he said firmly, ‘Madam, we have nothing to talk about.’ Then he started to walk away.
‘I owe you an apology,’ she shouted above the noise of the market, and he turned around.
‘Now you’re talking.’
‘I may have been a bit hasty.’
He raised one eyebrow and frowned, and feeling embarrassed, she said, ‘Alright, I jumped to conclusions and I’m sorry.’
‘Apology accepted, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go. I haven’t got time to speak to washerwomen.’
Hackles raised, she said vehemently, ‘Washerwoman! I’m not a bloody washerwoman.’
He smiled, he’d guessed she wasn’t, but intended to have a bit of fun at her expense and said, ‘What do you do then? Are you a lady of the night?’
‘You need to hold your tongue sir. I may be a woman, but I can fight as good as any man.’
He smiled, then said sarcastically, ‘I don’t doubt that for a minute.’

''The Girl from the Kip'  by Susan Williams, available on Kindle eBooks  Only £2.25

An extract coming shortly

Girl From The Kip

Monday, 3 June 2019

eBooks available on Amazon by Susan Williams

'Taking a Chance'     Historical Novel    £2.25

'The Perfect Gift'      Contemporary 
                                    Novel                    £2.25

'Tales of Romance
in a Virtuous Era'      Two short                  99p

Girl from the Kip      Historical novel    £2.25    
'Girl From the Kip' by Susan Williams, an historical novel, based in Victorian England is now available on Amazon Kindle eBooks and smashwords,

Girl From The Kip

Only £2.25

Sunday, 2 June 2019

'Girl from the Kip, an ebook by Susan Williams only £2.25

Will be available on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Apple books and many other outlets within the next three days.


Available now on smashwords £2.25

Saturday, 1 June 2019


' Girl from the kip' my second historical novel set in Victorian England, is coming along nicely and should be available on Amazon Kindle eBooks soon. Only £2.25 

  FREE   FREE   FREE   FREE   FREE   FREE My eBooks ' Letting Go' and 'A Callous Land' will be available for free on Amaz...